Monday, February 7, 2011

Jane Aldridge Makes Me Feel Old

Jane Aldridge, a Texas native, started her blog Sea of Shoes when she was just 15. Initially the blog centered on her love of shoes, but it quickly morphed into much more as she began to post photos of herself adorned in various outfits straight out of her awesome, and quite extensive, closet. So awesome is her closet, in fact, that it was featured in a spread for Rue Magazine. Now, to be fair, Jane's mother is a vintage connoisseur and fashionista herself, so Jane really had a leg up with the whole hand-me-down thing. And yea, I'm jealous.

Jane's eye for pulchritude and great panache radiates through her blog, and it is the reason she quickly became a fan favorite. In 2008, Jane was named the "It Girl of Tomorrow" by refinery29, and last year she teamed up with Urban Outfitters to create a line of shoes aptly named Sea of Shoes.

Fashion world aside, Jane is just your (not so) typical High School adolescent forced to wear a uniform 4 days a week. I think her choice of wear on one "Free Friday" clearly shows how confined her mandated stiff skirt and white colored shirt makes her feel:

photo credit: Sea of Shoes
When I was in High School I definitely wore my fair share of crazy outfits, many resulting in a "talk" from a teacher, but props to you Ms. Alderidge: you've definitely one-upped me. I just hope you didn't have to dissect a cow's eyeball (yea I did that) or frog that day, because that can get really messy.

Here's Jane in all her glory:
photo credit: Sea of Shoes
With the exception of the chair photo, which is from the Rue Magazine spread, Jane gives little/no credit to her photographer. She does, however, give credit to her clothes which range from vintage to high-end designers to American Apparel.

Looking at her photos I find it hard to believe that Jane is only 18 years old, but alas she is. Seven years my junior, I feel as if she could be my peer. In fact, I feel as if she could be older than me! Clearly I'm living in a dream world and honestly, after some consideration, I'm not sure I want to leave. In my dream world I physically stay 20 forever, my closet is the size of a huge bedroom and overflowing (though very organized thanks to my maid), I have insanely long, thick, silky hair and I'm a full 7" taller. I'd also like to be married to Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Adam Brody (shh don't tell!). Paul Rudd would also do. And obviously I'd be saving the world. I mean, did you doubt that? Just call me Supafly Superwoman.

And it should go without saying that being Supafly Superwoman I, of course, own (thank you Century 21!) a pair of one of Jane's favorite pair of shoes, her Margiela boots seen below (note: mine are short and a very light minty green):

photo credit: Sea of Shoes
I guess I'm just that cool.

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